Milford Haven Hockey Club

Milford Haven Hockey Club

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MHHC Presentation Evening

20 May 2023 | Charlotte Davies
MHHC Presentation Evening

We celebrated a successful season for all age groups at our Club Presentation Evening.

Thank you to all players, supporters and families who came and enjoyed a great night.

Congratulations to our award winners!

Award Winners

Under 12s Coaches' Players - Paige Majewski, Gweni Preddy & Scarlett Chandra

Under 12s Recognition Awards - Olivia Davies, Amelia Coe, Millie Lewis

Under 14s Players' Player - Molly Badrock

Under 14s Coaches Player - Gemma Sandy

Under 16s Players' Player - Evie Taylor

Under 16s Coaches Player - Nia Lewis

Ladies Players' Player - Kacey Arran

Ladies Captains Player - Sian Davies

Club Recognition Award - Charlotte Davies & Rachel Coe

Golden Stick - Jan Davies

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